Friday, April 1, 2011

Meta Tag Generator

Meta Tag Generator - Sebelumnya Saya pernah share tentang Apa Itu Meta Tag?. Nah pada pembahasan kali ini kita akan mempelajari bagaimana tentang memasang meta tag ke google lewat meta tag generator. Sebenarnya banyak cara memasang meta tag ke google, namun kali ini kita akan mempelajari lewat meta tag generator saja dulu.

Meta Tag Generator akan membaca halaman yang Anda tentukan, menghapus kata-kata umum dari itu, dan memilih kata-kata yang paling sering digunakan pada halaman. Ini kemudian akan menghasilkan tag Meta Keywords menggunakan kata-kata itu telah ditemukan. Ekstra berat akan diberikan kepada kata-kata dalam tag pos.
Nah jika ingin memasukkan situs web sobat ke dalam meta tag google atau search engine lainnya silahkan sobat isi form / kotak di bawah ini.

Advanced Meta-Tags Generator Tool © SEO Chat™ This Table Was By DAW-XP

Title (Judul)
The Title Tag must contain no more than 70 characters (generally, 100 characters may be indexed).

Author (Nama Pembuat)
The Author Tag is for the person who wrote the material for the site.

Subject (Tema)
The Subject Tag is for what your site is. Business, music, hobby, cars. Use up to 100 characters.

Description (Keterangan)
The Description Tag can have up to 150 characters (generally, 200 to 250 characters may be indexed, though only a smaller portion of this amount may be displayed).

Classification (Klasifikasi)
The Classification tag is similar to description but more in detail.

Keywords (Kata Kunci)
In the Keyword tag use everything you think someone will search for to find your site. Use 200 characters.

Geography (Geografi)
Where are you located? Full Address

Language (Bahasa)
Is your site in English, Spanish, French.....?

Expires (Kadaluarsa)
Use "never" unless your site will expire. (Eg. Tue, 18 Apr 2006 14:57:09 GMT | Note: Requires RFC1123 date as shown here

Cache Control (Kontrol Cache)
Cache control level.

No Cache (Tidak Sembunyikan)
This directive indicates cached information should not be used and instead requests should be forwarded to the origin server.

Copyright (Nama Situs)
Who is the Owner of the site, Company Name

Zip Code (Kode Pos)
Your Zip Code

City (Kota)
Your City, Town

Country (Negara)
Your Country, use all names; USA, United States, United States Of America, America, etc.

Designer (Seniman Blog)
Webmaster name

Publisher (Terbit)
Owner, Webmaster, Company Names.

Revisit-After (Terakhir Update)
Tell search engine how often this page updates. (Eg. 21 days | Note: Most search engines do not support this Meta Tag)

Distribution (Distribusi)
Use [Global] unless it is a [Local] only site.

Robots (Mensin Pencari)
The values ALL and NONE set all directives on or off: [ALL=INDEX,FOLLOW] and [NONE=NOINDEX,NOFOLLOW].

MS Tags (Label MS)
Do you want Microsoft products to automatically generate smart tags on your web pages.

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To prevent spamming, please enter in the numbers and letters in the box below

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